Sea Travel

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Planning and Logistics

1. Plot the Route

Using the campaign map(s), indicate the intended route however convenient, and calculate the total distance for each leg of the journey (e.g. between stops). It may be desirable to draw the route in such a way as to avoid enemy territory, unfamiliar coastal regions, contrary winds or currents, known bad weather, or other hazards. If needed, a check against a suitable Area Knowledge specialty will reveal this information (a Hidden Lore roll can reveal uncommon dangers). For additional information regarding the route, or to make up for a lack of Area Knowledge or charts, such knowledge can be gained through an appropriate Contact, or through Social Engineering (by asking around for someone who knows the area; =temporary Contact w/ SK:1d+8; see "Loose Lips Share Tips," DF10:7). In town, one PC with access to books and maps can take a week to try a Research roll to cover informational tasks for the entire trip.

  • "Navigation," Low Tech p.50; equipment, p.52

2. Estimate Travel Time

See Spreadsheet

Estimate how many days each leg of the journey will take, given the group's means of locomotion. Ships can travel 24 hours/day, as they require only watch-standing. Adjust estimates for prevailing winds and currents along the route (use the average, or most dominant effects), and other conditions as appropriate. As this is merely an estimate, knowledge of exact conditions are not required.

3. Make the Roll(s)

One Navigation roll will be made for each leg of the route. If the leg consists primarily of coastline (@GMD), a guide (pilot) with Area Knowledge of the region can use that instead, to identical effect. If following a map (DF4:14), remember to add its Navigation modifier as well as that for any navigation equipment (DF16:17). The entire attempt is assumed to take [1 hour].
Modifiers: See Low-Tech p.50; -1 per doubling, or fraction, of one day's travel (e.g. -1 at two days, -2 at four days, -3 at eight days, etc.); [± blue vs coast]; [±contrary wind/current]; equipment modifiers and Time Spent; +4 for a repeated journey. Take Average or Take Maximum are available for this roll.

4. Fit Out for the Journey

Any PC may make a roll to aid in the preparations. The following example rolls assume a base of one (8 hour) day unless otherwise specified.

  • "Navigation" is handled above in Part 1-3.
  • An Administration roll will allocate supplies and funds for the trip, and organize the crew's schedules. A suitable Area Knowledge roll can complement this roll, by revealing the best stops along the intended route to supplement existing provisions. (Allow re-use of roll from part 1?)
  • An Engineering roll will prepare the vessel for the trip, identify potential maintenance issues, and determine what repair supplies will be needed.
  • A Freight Handling roll will ensure cargo and provisions are loaded and properly secured in a timely manner. [Takes time to load.]
  • A Leadership roll will organize the preparation effort.
  • A Weather Sense roll will predict weather and sea conditions for the trip, and determine the best time to depart. (B209)
  • Search for freight, speculative cargo, or passengers: See Trade.
  • Many of the above rolls may substitute Seamanship [at -4] at the GM's discretion.

Modifiers: Standard skill modifiers apply (see skill descriptions); Time Spent (-10 "Instant"); multi-tasking. Take Average or Take Maximum are available for this roll.

  • A2:17, "Planning"/DF16:20, "Travel"
  • The idea is that every PC rolls something—which makes it very Skill Challenge-like

5. Calculate Planning Points

Total the margins-of-success for the Navigation roll and any "preparation" rolls made under Part 4. A positive total grants one Planning Point, plus one additional point per full multiple of [2]. A negative total has no additional effect, but if any of those rolls resulted in a critical failure, for the entire journey, the ship/crew suffers from travel-related Bad Luck (see the Disadvantage) or a -1 on all travel-related rolls, and crew Morale is at -1 (they see the operation as mishandled).
Planning Points are special-purpose Plot Points (reference) aspected for "travel preparation." In addition to normal Plot Point usage, a Planning Point may be spent to grant a +1 "prep" bonus to all uses of one specified skill through the trip (applies to all crewmen's use of the skill).

Under Way

Departure Checklist

  1. Load cargo (SK:Freight Handling)
  2. Pay fees & duties
  3. Recover boats.
  4. Clear moorings/weigh anchor & stand-out to sea (SK:[Control] to undock; Vehicles p.143)
  5. Navigate port environs; harbor pilot (possible SK:[Control] roll depending on conditions; Vehicles p.143)

Modifiers: Standard skill modifiers apply; Take Average or Take Maximum may be available for associated rolls at GM's discretion.

Daily Travel Checklist

  1. Make note of daily weather/conditions provided by the GM
  2. Make note of starting daily travel distance covered: see Spreadsheet
  3. The Day's Business: Make a Navigation roll; failure subtracts 10% from daily travel distance, and critical failure subtracts 20% or gives interesting results. A guide (pilot) with Area Knowledge of the region can use that instead, to identical effect. If following a map (DF4:14), remember to add its Navigation modifier as well as that for any navigation equipment (DF16:17).
  4. Control: Someone in charge of the vehicle rolls once for each day for everyone aboard, using Seamanship. Success adds 10% to effective speed, failure subtracts 10%, and critical failure subtracts 20% or yields interesting results (e.g. Obstacles, DF16:31-32, or Shipwrecked, DF16:48).
  5. Scouting: Per-based Seamanship? vs hazards. Apply SSRT ship's speed as penalty (only when coasting?). Failure or critical failure wastes time, subtracting 10% or 20%, respectively, from travel speed (a critical failure may result in an accident with Bad Luck or @GMD). See "Horizon Table," Low Tech p.49 for spotting distance.
  6. Check for daily encounters/events: See Travel Events.
  7. Adjust final daily travel distance as needed.

Arrival Checklist

  1. Approached by (customs, retailer) boats?
  2. Navigate port environs; harbor pilot (possible SK:[Control] roll depending on conditions; Vehicles p.143)
  3. Anchorage or mooring? (SK:[Control] to dock; Vehicles p.143)
  4. Launch boats.
  5. Pay fees & duties.
  6. Unload cargo (SK:Freight Handling)

Modifiers: Standard skill modifiers apply; Take Average or Take Maximum may be available for associated rolls at GM's discretion.

Business Ashore


Pyramid 3/103, "Setbacks." To summarize and expand:

  • Roll ship's HT-3 per week. Fail=malfunction; crit fail=1d+1 malfunctions.
  • Roll for location of malfunction on Random Malfunction Table (p. 20-21), and System Malfunctions (p. 21-27) for specific symptoms.
  • Reveal symptom to technician, who gets immediate Repair roll. Success= ~30min and fixed; fail=serious, req. parts, etc.; crit fail=not repairable.
  • Use existing "starship" malfunctions as a guideline for actual event.

Hull Fouling

Swashbucklers p.100
Since careening, tropical waters:

  • <1wk, poss increase in speed (+5%?)
  • +1mo, -06.25% speed
  • +2mo, -12.50% speed
  • +3mo, -25.00% speed
  • +4mo, -50.00% speed
  • +5mo, -50.00% speed, -10% lifespan
  • +6mo, -50.00% speed, -20% lifespan

Random Shipping Traffic