Ezekiel Clayton

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Name Rev. Ezekiel Clayton
Born 1803 (74)
Role Preacher
Group Babylon
Status NPC (Active)

Actor: Donald Sutherland, ref: Forsaken


Uncompromising Shepherd


Badass Pacifist?; Church Of Saint Genericus; Preacher Man; The Teetotaler: Recovered Alcoholic variety


As any man who makes his living telling stories, it's hard to say what's true or not. What Rev Clayton has said about his past is that he was born in 1803 "back East" to a preacher there, against whom he rebelled in his youth (as they do) and struck out on his own, where he was given to "rioutous living" before he eventually returned (like the eponymous "Prodigal Son"). He's been to the North and the South, East and West. He's lived in big cities, and slept under the stars. He's been the victim, and the Samaritan. He was married in his younger years, until "the Lord saw fit to take her from him"—he's been stingy on the details, but it's assumed she died of some fever. He's even given account of "casting out a devil or two." He's never directly admitted to participating in the War, but there have been inferences that he's seen combat, and it's rumored he may have been an Army chaplain.

He spent a decade, at least, as an itinerant preacher, wandering the western frontier, ministering from camp to camp, until he finally decided he was too old for the lifestyle, and "following the Lord's direction," settled down in Babylon. There, in late 1873, he built the New Covenant Church, and became the town's only Christian pastor. When the McCastles were making trouble in the region, he tried to play the peacemaker—by all accounts, winning a "Bible duel" with Shane—and proved his dedication to his principles by taking a nasty beating without so much as a flinch of hostility (though perhaps a little "defiance"). He spent a fair amount of time in Doc's care afterward as a result.


Category: Religious (Christian), Regional
Core Skill: Religious Ritual & Theology (Christian)-15


Professional parson; Expert in scripture and religious ritual; Great storyteller; Basic handyman capability; Possible "dormant" combat/soldier skills; Stubborn; Pacifist


  • Has a son in Wyoming, who has disappointed him greatly by running off and getting involved in the war