Ana Kimble

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Name Ana Murphy-Kimble
Born 1853 (24)
Role Rancher's Wife
Group Babylon
Status NPC (Active)

Actor: Jenna Ortega


Defiant, Deaf Ranch-Owner's Wife


Plucky Girl; Reading Lips


Born in 1853 at a hacienda in Texas Territory, born deaf. She was joined by a younger sister, Maria, a year later. When Ana was two, her father went to Mexico City on business and was never seen again; she didn't even know his name, much less what he looked like. Her mother raised the girls on her own for some years before she remarried. By the time she was eight, Ana's new father had turned dark and abusive, given to drink. He hated the girls for no reason they could fathom, and especially despised having to deal with Ana's handicap, and eventually sent her away to a "hospital" for "treatment." It was the last she ever saw her family alive.

She was adopted from the hospital, in 1863 (at ten), by a childless older couple—the wife was also deaf—who took her away with them to the north, into New Mexico Territory, raising her alongside some other adoptees. She grew up on the couples' ranch, received a decent education, and learned how to effectively communicate in spite of her handicap. The ranch-hands there treated her like a sister. One of them in particular, Enoch Kimble, took a special liking to her. In 1873, Enoch married Ana, and took her with him to a new ranch he was starting outside a booming mining camp in the San Juan Mountains in SW Colorado.

It was at the new ranch outside Babylon in 1875 that word finally reached her of her family's fate: Her younger sister, Maria, had died in childbirth, in 1872. And her mother, Juanita, believing Ana had died of illness in that hospital, had been killed by her new husband, before he was also killed in a confrontation with a drifter, earlier that year. But nothing about her birth-father.


Category: Business/Commercial (Horse-Trading)
Core Skill: Professional Skill (Rancher)-9


Deaf, but can lip-read & speak well enough to communicate; Fluent in Spanish & English, sign language (Mexican); Novice horse-Trading; Housewifery


  • Ulysses' (suspected) oldest daughter, believed dead