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General locale. Each hex is about 6 miles.

More formally, Colonia Nervia Glevensium or occassionaly Glouvia, Glevum was a Roman fort that became a "colonia" of retired legionaries in A.D. 97. The Legio II Augusta was originally based here before being relocated to Burrium, then Isca Augusta. Glevum also served as the provincial capital of Britannia Secunda for a time and, at its height, may have had as many as 10,000 permanent citizens.

Currently, Glevum has a greatly reduced permanent population even though it remains a fairly prominent destination for the region. It is about two days walk from Caer Tarian.

Glevum is where Ambrosius Aurelianus, War Duke of Prydain, commands.

Population: 10,000 (Search -1)

Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains Appearance: Average (+0) Hygiene: -1 Normal Mana

Culture and Economy

Language: Latin, Welsh-Gaelic Literacy: Broken TL: 2 Wealth: Average Status: -2 to 3

Political Environment

Government: Clan/Tribal CR: 3 (Corruption -2) Military Resources: 202K Defense Bonus: 6 (permanent fortifications)