Sea Travel

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Planning and Logistics

1. Plot the Route

Using the campaign map(s), indicate the intended route however convenient, and calculate the total distance for each leg of the journey (e.g. between stops). It may be desirable to draw the route in such a way as to avoid enemy territory, unfamiliar coastal regions, contrary winds or currents, known bad weather, or other hazards. If needed, a check against a suitable Area Knowledge specialty will reveal this information (a Hidden Lore roll can reveal uncommon dangers). For additional information regarding the route, or to make up for a lack of Area Knowledge or charts, such knowledge can be gained through an appropriate Contact, or through Social Engineering (by asking around for someone who knows the area; =temporary Contact w/ SK:1d+8; see "Loose Lips Share Tips," DF10:7). In town, one PC with access to books and maps can take a week to try a Research roll to cover informational tasks for the entire trip.

  • "Navigation," Low Tech p.50; equipment, p.52

Under Way


Random Shipping Traffic