Gestlin the Unpredictable

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Banestorm: Book II


Name Gestlin
Race Human
Occupation Wizard
Status PC (Living)

Gestlin the Unpredictable (307 points)

ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 10 [0].
Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lb; HP 10 [0]; Will 15 [5]; Per 15 [5]; FP 16* [0].
Basic Speed 5.00 [-10]; Basic Move 5 [0]; Dodge 8.
5'9"; 200.

Social Background

TL: 3 [0].
CF: Megalos (Native) [0].
Languages: Anglish (Native) [0]; Arabic (Accented/None) [2].

Templates and Meta-Traits

Hedge Wizard (Fantasy; p. F119) [0].


Extra Fatigue Points 6 (Affects FP; Usable only for Spellcasting) [17]; Luck [15]; Magery 0 [5]; Magery 3 [30]; Occultist 3 [30]; Wild Talent 2 (Focused (Magic); Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Can only be taken by stealth or trickery; Nuisance Effect: ability makes you obvious; Unreliable/Activation (11 or less)) [14].
Perks: Weapon Bond (Staff). [1]; Named Possession (Staff). [1]


Curious (12 or less) [-5]; Klutz (Total) [-15]; Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]; Secret (Earth Refugee; Imprisonment or Exile) [-20]; Selfless (12 or less) [-5]; Weirdness Magnet [-15].
Quirks: _Unused Quirk 1; _Unused Quirk 2; _Unused Quirk 3; _Unused Quirk 4; _Unused Quirk 5. [-5]


Alchemy/TL3 (VH) IQ+1 [2]-15†; Archaeology (H) IQ+1 [1]-15†; Area Knowledge (Christian Lands) (E) IQ+1 [2]-15; Carousing (E) HT+1 [2]-11; Climbing (A) DX-1 [1]-11; Connoisseur ('80's Pop Culture) (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Cooking (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Detect Lies (H) Per-2 [1]-13; Diplomacy (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Esoteric Medicine (H) Per-1 [2]-14; Fast-Talk (A) IQ [2]-14; First Aid/TL3 (Human) (E) IQ+1 [2]-15‡; Gambling (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Gesture (E) IQ [1]-14; Hazardous Materials/TL3 (Magic) (A) IQ [2]-14; Herb Lore/TL3 (VH) IQ-1 [4]-13; Hidden Lore (Dragons) (A) IQ+2 [1]-16†; Hidden Lore (Sacred Places) (A) IQ+2 [1]-16†; Hiking (A) HT [2]-10; History (Magic) (H) IQ+1 [1]-15†; Holdout (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Innate Attack (Beam) (E) DX+2 [2]-14; Innate Attack (Projectile) (E) DX+3 [8]-15; Knife (E) DX+1 [2]-13; Mathematics/TL3 (Applied) (H) IQ-2 [1]-12; Naturalist (Earth) (H) IQ-1 [2]-13; Navigation/TL3 (Land) (A) IQ [2]-14§; Occultism (A) IQ+2 [1]-16†; Packing (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Path of Body Control (VH) IQ-3 [1]-11; Research/TL3 (A) IQ+2 [1]-16†; Riding (Equines) (A) DX [2]-12; Savoir-Faire (High Society) (E) IQ [1]-14; Scrounging (E) Per+1 [2]-16; Search (A) Per [2]-15; Sleight of Hand (H) DX [4]-12; Staff (A) DX+1 [4]-13¶; Swimming (E) HT+1 [2]-11; Teaching (A) IQ-1 [1]-13; Teamster (Equine) (A) IQ [2]-14; Thaumatology (VH) IQ+3 [1]-17**; Throwing (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Writing (A) IQ-1 [1]-13.


Apportation (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Banish (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Catch Missile (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Catch Spell (VH) IQ [1]-14††; Clumsiness (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Continual Light (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Counterspell (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Create Air (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Create Fire (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Create Water (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Daze (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Deflect Missile (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Delay (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Detect Magic (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Enchant (VH) IQ+1 [2]-15††; Explosive Fireball (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Extinguish Fire (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Fireball (H) IQ+2 [2]-16††; Flame Jet (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Flaming Weapon (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Foolishness (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Great Ward (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Haste (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Heat (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Hinder (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Ignite Fire (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Itch (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Lend Energy (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Lend Vitality (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Levitation (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Light (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Lightning (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Might (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Minor Healing (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Pain (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Powerstone (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Purify Air (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Purify Water (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Recover Energy (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Reflect (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Return Missile (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Seek Food (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Seek Water (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Shape Air (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Shape Fire (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Shape Water (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Sleep (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Slow (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Spasm (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Staff (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Stench (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Stop Bleeding (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Stun (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Suspend Enchantment (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Throw Spell (VH) IQ+1 [2]-15††; Walk on Air (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Ward (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Warm (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††; Windstorm (H) IQ+1 [1]-15††.


* Includes +6 from 'Extra Fatigue Points'.
† Includes +3 from 'Occultist'.
‡ Conditional +1 from 'First Aid Kit'.
§ Conditional +1 from 'Compass'.
¶ Conditional +1 from 'Weapon Bond (Staff)'.
** Includes +3 from 'Magery', +3 from 'Occultist'.
†† Includes +3 from 'Magery'.


1× Backpack, Small ($60; 3 lb); 1× Blanket ($20; 4 lb); 1× Boots ($80; 3 lb); 1× Cloth Armor ($30; 6 lb); 1× Cloth Sleeves ($20; 2 lb); 1× Coach ($11000); 1× Compass ($50); 1× Dagger ($20; 4 oz); 1× First Aid Kit ($50; 2 lb); 1× Formal Wear ($240; 2 lb); 1× Group Basics ($50; 20 lb); 1× Lantern ($20; 2 lb); 1× Light Cloak ($20; 2 lb); 1× Personal Basics ($5; 1 lb); 1× Pole, 10' ($8; 5 lb); 1× Quarterstaff (Smil-Blam; Weapon Bond; Fine (Balance); ~Powerstone (+10); ~Staff; $257; ~Named; 4 lb); 1× Shovel ($12; 6 lb); 1× Sleeping Bag ($25; 7 lb); 1× Tent, 4-Man ($150; 30 lb); 1× Whetstone ($5; 1 lb); 1× Wineskin ($10; 4 oz); 1× Winter Clothes ($180; 4 lb); 2× Draft Horse ($4000); 2× Ordinary Clothes ($240; 4 lb); 2× Rope, 3/8'' (per 10 yards; $10; 3 lb); 21× Traveler's Rations ($42; 10.5 lb); 4× Torch ($12; 4 lb); 6× Iron Spike, Piton ($6; 3 lb).

Melee Attacks

Bite (12): 1d-3 cr. Reach C.
Dagger (13): 1d-3 imp. Reach C.
Flame Jet (14): ~1d burn. Reach ~1.
Kick (10): 1d-2 cr. Reach C,1.
Punch (12): 1d-3 cr. Reach C.
Quarterstaff Smil-Blam • Staff Swing (15): 1d+2 cr. Reach 1, 2.
Quarterstaff Smil-Blam • Staff Thrust (15): 1d cr. Reach 1, 2.

Ranged Attacks

Dagger (8): 1d-3 imp. Range 5 yd / 10 yd. RoF 1. Shots T(1).
Explosive Fireball (15): ~1d burn ex. Acc 1. Range 25 yd / 50 yd. RoF –.
Fireball (15): ~1d burn. Acc 1. Range 25 yd / 50 yd. RoF –.
Light Cloak (7): spec.. Acc 1. Range 2 yd. RoF 1. Shots T(1).
Lightning (14): ~1d-1 burn. Acc 3. Range 50 yd / 100 yd. RoF –.
Throw Spell (15): spcl.. Range 80 yd. RoF –.