William Rogers

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Name William Rogers
Origin Portsmouth, England
Role ?
Post Beowulf
Status PC (Living)


Retired Navy Leftenant, Adventurer.



Rogers was born the son of a Lieutenant in Her Majesty Queen Mary II's navy in 1690. He grew up on his father's modest estate in the hills inland of Portsmouth, but he doesn't remember much from those years. He was sent to sea as a boy and served twenty-one years at sea. Bill retired, himself a Lieutenant, in 1721. Unlike his father, who was glad to retire to the English countryside and enjoy life as a country gentleman, Bill still lived for the sea. For the next four years he traveled the world, sometimes as passenger, more often employed, but always looking to the horizon. Bill's current shipmates are mostly fellow Englishmen, and that makes for comfortable conversation, easy camaraderie, and a sense of shared culture that Bill finds very agreeable.



  • Served in all three (red, white, blue) British Navy squadrons