Raphael D'Angelo

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Revision as of 00:27, 31 October 2018 by Gigermann (talk | contribs)
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Name Raphael D'Angelo
AKA Archangel
Age ?
Affiliation Proj Spectrum
"Day Job" Bike Msgr
Status PC (Living)
@PCs PC (DL)

AKA: Angel of Knight City; Archangel; Mirrorshades; Chrome?
Actor: Jacob Pitts, Ref: Justified (mostly)



Power Trio: the Hero, the Lancer (Michael Fox), and the Heart (Gabriel)




  • Mutant/Psi
  • Photokinesis, Electrokinesis, limited Precog (impending violence, by close proximity—like Unbreakable); uncontrollable Hyperspectral Vision (pentachromacy) resulting in obvious mutation of the eyes, which he keeps hidden behind "prescription" shades
  • Trained by an Aikijutsu Master
  • Traceur
  • Essentially a "professional" white-collar crime troubleshooter/vigilante/corp-spy, specializing in getting in & out unseen, working for a voice-behind-a-computer. Turf is mostly in the financial district or industrial areas
  • Lightly Catholic
  • Almost OCD
  • Lot of similarities to Daredevil

Social Network

  • "Gabriel" (Davenport): Unseen Patron. Unknown whether he's corporate, gov't, or something else, but he's got money and connections; refers to this operation as Project Spectrum. Has Rafe "on retainer" as a troubleshooter, enabled by a mostly-fictitious delivery business (that often gets Rafe access to corp buildings)
  • Michael Fox: Long-term buddy, grew up together. Went Army, but Rafe had to stay behind after his vision went weird. Currently a married, low-level policeman that occasionally goes out "hunting" w/ Rafe; a bit of an adrenaline-junky, and Rafe's "instigator"—will eventually develop a persona of his own for this "side job." Narrative: In ~15-20 years, will be killed in action, after which Rafe will finally turn a bit dark
  • Sarah Sainte: The crush (not GF yet). An early rescue he's been almost stalking since. More of a Pepper Potts type: not useless arm-candy. Narrative: Will eventually end up married to her, and stable, under regular pressure from the bullseye his life paints on her
  • Regular parkour group he runs with; notable: Rhett "Shadow" Mercatos, local pro-skater of some repute


  • This character & story comes from an unpublished/unfinished comic series dating back to 1990, worked by Rigil Kent and Gigermann after they met in the Army