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Real Name: Nicholas Davenport
Actor: Tom Cavanagh, Ref: Flash
Mysterious Voice-On-A-Screen Guide
Mission Control
Super Abilities
- May be "super" or mundane
- Has curiously-accurate information about upcoming catastrophes, and supers (including, in some cases, their secret identities)
- Source of his foreknowledge may be time-travel, super-intelligence, mathematical/computer projections, genius AI, precognition, or something else
- Plays everything close-to-the-vest; lots of secrets, and doesn't give up any.
Virtually nothing is known about his identity or history. From time to time, hints may slip out:
- Possible government/defense connection
- Possible research/science connection
Appears to be gathering "supers" and putting them to work solving "problems," preparing them for "what's to come."
Project Proteus
- Operative: Uriel
Project Spectrum
Behind the scenes: the running idea is that Davenport was "rescued" by the Angel of Knight City shortly after his appearance; he was impressed enough with his performance and abilities that he immediately set himself to recruiting him to relieve the increasingly-overwhelmed Uriel.
- Primary operative: Raphael
- Later, Michael Fox will be unofficially incorporated (Ref: "Diggle", Arrow)
- Later than that, Rhett Mercatos and Samantha Marsh will be unofficially incorporated (Ref: "Arsenal," "Speedy," Arrow)
Other Projects
Other Projects may be active in other areas, or in the process of spinning up.
Access to Cutting-Edge (@TL) Tech; Digital Omnipresence; Near-Unlimited Resources
For the GM
- Should eventually end up meeting PC(s) in person, but they should have to earn it. Until then, should be in question whether or not he's even "real."
- Original character was a time-traveler, gone back to prevent some supers-related catastrophe. A later version reversed that, predicting the future instead. Here the GM has some leeway to decide how he gets his info.
- Ref: Finch, PersonOfInterest
- =Hero Enabler, Power Trio #3 (Heart)
- Knows civ ID, but doesn't say so
- Actual occupation unknown; could be corp, gov't